Jake Chen has emerged as a compelling force in the CrossFit scene, showing remarkable progress and performance in recent competitions. Known for his...
ByRepReporter2024-12-20Looking ahead, the Austral-Oceanian CrossFit community is gearing up for the Oceania Throwdown scheduled for next month. This event is set to take...
ByRepReporter2024-12-20Several teams made headlines with their performances at the recent regional events. Particularly, Team Sydney Surge proved to be one of the strongest...
ByRepReporter2024-12-20The Australian CrossFit Championships wrapped up last weekend, attracting athletes from across the Australasian region. The event, held in Sydney, saw standout performances,...
ByRepReporter2024-12-20The recently concluded Pacific Regional Open was a major highlight for CrossFit enthusiasts in Australia. It brought together top athletes from across the...
ByRepReporter2024-12-13The Austral-Oceanian CrossFit scene is buzzing with activity, with several local gyms hosting community-driven events to foster talent and encourage participation. This year’s...
ByRepReporter2024-12-13In the past week, the CrossFit community in Oceania witnessed some remarkable performances, particularly at the Asia-Pacific Championships held in Sydney. Highlights include...
ByRepReporter2024-12-13The Australia CrossFit Championship concluded this past weekend, showcasing impressive performances from both seasoned athletes and emerging stars. The event, held in Sydney,...
ByRepReporter2024-12-06As the CrossFit Games approach, athletes from the Oceania region are intensifying their training regimens. Several seasoned competitors, including previous Games qualifiers like...
ByRepReporter2024-12-06CrossFit enthusiasts in Brisbane are gearing up for the upcoming Brisbane Throwdown, a regional event set to take place next month. The competition...